Justin Bieber Just Revealed The Lyrics To ‘What Do You Mean?’ In The Coolest Way Ever
Justin Bieber Just Revealed The Lyrics To ‘What Do You Mean?’ In The Coolest Way Ever
JB slid into fans’ DMs for the most bonkers Twitter puzzle we’ve ever seen.
by Madeline Roth
3h ago
At this point, it’s safe to say the anticipation for Justin Bieber’s “What Do You Mean?” is driving us totally, absolutely nuts.
Over the past few weeks, he’s been building up the hype every day with a slew of celeb friends whom he’s recruited to tease the single and whet our appetites for a much-welcomed Bieber comeback.
But on Wednesday (Aug. 19), Justin reached all new levels of coyness
when he unleashed a crazy, complex puzzle in which fans were tasked with
piecing together the song’s lyrics. Justin himself sent the lyrics,
line by line, to 49 lucky superfans via direct messaging on Twitter.
Each cryptic clue from Justin included a line from the song as well
as an image of a clock that signified the order in which the lyrics were
meant to be arranged. Ever the crafty fandom, Beliebers quickly
hunkered down and started piecing the puzzle together — as did we. So
without further ado, here are all 49 clues, reordered by time to give
you the complete lyrics to “What Do You Mean?”: