Chris Brown wins joint custody of his daughter Royalty.

chris Brown
is a happy man today (September 11), as he's just been awarded joint
custody of his daughter Royalty. The case was decided between Brown and
Royalty's mother, Nia Guzman, today in Houston. Guzman had wished to
deny Brown joint custody, and she only wanted him visiting Royalty on
supervised visits.
As Royalty is now entitled to joint custody,
she and Guzman will move to L.A., where she will rotate between each
parent's household four days at a time. TMZ also
reports that Brown will continue to pay Guzman $2,500 per month, as the
judge has denied Guzman's motion to increase the payments to $15,000
In advance of the hearing, Brown forced himself to remain disciplined while
embarking on his "One Hell of a Nite" tour, and it seems all his hard
work has paid off. Brown has also named his next album after his
daughter, whom he discovered was his offspring in March.