B.o.B Announces New Album "Psycadelik Thoughtz" & Share
B.o.B Announces New Album "Psycadelik Thoughtz" & Share

Since speaking with us last fall, B.o.B's
kept pretty quiet about his plans for his fourth album. Today though,
he's emerged to reveal the artwork and title for the upcoming release. Psycadelik Thoughtz doesn't have a release date yet, but you can peep its Axis: Bold As Love-style artwork in the gallery above.
Below, read what B.o.B had to say aboiut the project last fall:
"This album is more like The Adventures Of Bobby Ray, because
it's more music[al]. My last two albums, I just wanted to be in the
club. I wasn't trying to sell albums, I wasn't trying to do big pop
records, I just wanted to be in the club. Once I got that out, I was
like 'alright, I'm good.' With this fourth album, I'm back to making
eclectic music, genre-less music. I've been picking the guitar up a lot
more.",we love music